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The Maverick Paradox Podcast is a twice weekly show where Judith Germain demonstrates that Maverick Leadership exists everywhere, through her conversations with a diverse array of guests.

New episodes are released every Monday and Friday at 12pm UK time.

Her contact details are as follows:


LinkedIn Profile
Facebook Page
Email: Contact @


Aug 10, 2020

Note to listeners: This episode was recorded in January 2020 prior to the coronavirus (COVID-19) being recognised as a pandemic by the World Health Organisation on 11 March 2020.

In this episode Judith Germain speaks to Jodi Krangle on the importance of voice during communication. Jodi explains that sound is the quickest way to the brain and that knowledge can be used for business.

They also discuss the need to learn how to be more curious and the need to plan to fail.

Judith's websites: 

Judith's LinkedIn profile is here, her Twitter profile (MaverickMastery) is here, Facebook here and Instagram here.